This is the day

By wrencottage

Energy and Exhaustion

A busy day today, starting with watching our 9.30 church service online and then cooking roast lamb and all the trimmings for son #2 and his family. The two girls, aged 4 and 2, were full of beans as usual and decided to compete with each other as to who could bring the most toys into the kitchen and arrange them all over the floor. Fortunately this took place after lunch had been cooked, otherwise I might not have survived the obstacle course.

I bought this little wooden pushchair for son #3, (who is now 36!), so that he could wheel his teddy bear around when he was learning to walk. It originally had a plain blue fabric seat, but the arrival of our first granddaughter eleven years ago gave me the opportunity to fit a new seat out of some old floral curtain material. 

The house is now tidy again, and dolly can relax. Amen to that, say Granny and Grandpa!

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