It's not so grim up North

By Richy

Tufty Club.....

That will only mean something to people of a certain age and probably their parents. I was a devout member of the club and wore my squirrel badge with pride, and to this day I have not been run over crossing the road! This squirrel was burying, eating, jumping and running about outside my Mums breakfast room window at 6.45, I could have watched it for ages!

Tufty Fluffytail was born in 1953, as a creation of the late Elsie Mills MBE. Original stories for the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents featured the squirrel and his friends to introduce clear and simple safety messages for children. Tufty was joined in his adventures by Minnie Mole and the naughty Willy Weasel along with Mrs Owl the teacher and Policeman Badger, who always popped up in the nick of time to save the children. In 1961, the Tufty Club was set up as a nationwide network of local groups. At its peak there were 24,500 registered Tufty Clubs. The characters' images were changed to keep up with the times in 1979 and again in 1993.

Thankyou for your comments this week it's nice of people stop by and make time! I leave for home early doors tomorrow, I couldn't work away full time I miss my wife and boys too much.

100 blips tomorrow, hope I don't get stuck in traffic!!

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