Sugar snap peas

After Arthur pushed the hazel canes into the edge of the pumpkin patch (to be ) I thought I would use them to construct a frame against which to plant the sugar snap seedlings . Our plot is quite shady and will get more so as the surrounding trees get taller and block out even more light. There is nothing we can do so will just have to work with it . The trees have a preservation order on them , they also have ash die back disease .
I had a happy time tying an array of sticks together with string and enjoy the higgeldy piggeldy appearance of the structure.
That and planting the seedlings took the bulk of the morning while the afternoon was taken up with a slow , gentle walk graced with wide sweeping views , the route chosen by my friend, A, as the views make her feel happy. I was walking and talking with my good friend who you kindly held in your thoughts and prayers . She is booked in for surgery this coming Friday and seemed in a very good place. She has been given suitable emotional support as part of the treatment which , for once , sounded impressive. All I can say is that things have come a very long way. The outcome is expected to be very good. It was just lovely to chat , unreservedly about all the things that matter to us .
As we ate our evening meal we were entertained by a video call from our delightful 2 year old Florence . Eric was feeding quietly in the background and both parents seemed weary , no surprise there !
The evening was spent with another friend, J , who continues to work at the school that I retired from . She fills me in with the comings and goings of former colleagues, reminds me of how lucky I am and keeps me up to date with regard to the latest educational rumblings. Apparently it’s no longer in vogue to teach using a multi sensory approach .Hard to believe .
A full day indeed despite getting up rather later than I like to .

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