Happy New Car Day

Been mithering over a new car for a while. The old one...

Air-con not working
Catalytic Convertor goosed
Central locking not working
Something funny going on with the steering
Burning oil
MPG has plummeted
One illegal tyre
Engine prone to overheating
Someone reversed into the passenger door
Hole worn in the driver's seat
Nearly 180,000 mile on the clock
And the last nail in the coffin - came out to find a front puncture

So after twelve years time to renew. Bundled Mrs FP and the dog into the land rover and off we went.

Went to the dealership fully intending to just point at one in the showroom and say "I want that one."

But no - a six month wait before delivery! Six months! And they charge £479 delivery charge.

Plan B. Walked to the forecourt, found a low mileage used example of the same model. "I want that one." Job done, and saved myself £5K.

Pick it up Tuesday.

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