Nanou in Anjou

By nanou


Flupke who's been a faithful model and a blip accomplice all year long, joins in with me to thank you once again for your kind comments and encouragements that gave me enough confidence to take the plunge and offer myself a new camera.
Thanks to those of you who spent a little of your spare time to answer my technical questioning. I'm enjoying this friendly place a little more everyday although I'd like to spend a little less time in and around it, but you know the feeling don't you?
Right, this is all very well but now I have to learn how to use this new Canon properly so that I don't disappoint you in the future. Quite a challenge indeed but such an enjoyable one!
Thanks again to you all, Nanou

Postscript: Yesterday's blip was a bit of a flop cause I hadn't thought of setting the right date on the camera and was staggered to find out that this sunny shot had been taken on... January 2000, the first!

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