The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Knowing her place

There was a curry party this evening, I went with friends. Brought a pineapple and rum dessert. The pineapple came out all wrong, in bits, not rings. However, it tasted all right. Curries were what I'd call mild. The cat, as pictured above, was charming.

Good company, pleasant evening. I seem to have forgotten how to behave in society, though. Note to self: try going out more often.

Tomorrow I'm off on a mystery two day coach trip with Dave. Guess what? It's raining. Rain, please stop ! This is not supposed to happen now.

In other news, the twins' mother texted to say that the eldest boy, whose drawing/colouring competition entry I'd facilitated, had won a prize! The competition was organised by the Stroud branch of the Nationwide building society. He was very chuffed, and she sent me a lovely photo of him holding his Easter Egg prize. I know about colouring comps, because my elder sister, TMLHereandThere, ((Tanya) won a colouring comp at the age of twelve, and the prize was an Instamatic camera! I'm babysitting in a couple of weeks, so I'll see the boy and encourage him to keep on colouring.

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