FF. Cornflower !!

We had a wonderful day today with our little man.
This morning we walked around the neighborhood and our little man came along with his little step/scooter. I don't know what it's called in english. Hihi
He can do it really well for his age and has still stepped a small 700 / 800 mtr. After that he was really tired and wanted to be carried.
Wim then put him on his shoulders and I carried the scooter.
On the way I saw cornflowers in a garden. For FF I liked this one. haha.
This afternoon he played in the garden and went to the supermarket with me. There I let him scan the barcodes with a scanner. How proud he was that he could do that.
Tonight I made pancakes with bacon and he ate 3 small pancakes.
After that we brought him back home again, our daughter was home from work at 7 pm. He then drank his bottle of milk with Grandpa before going to bed and then it was really bedtime for him. We stayed with our daughter until 10 pm and we had a nice talk together.
I wish everyone a nice weekend.

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