A morning in the office today. My desktop pc, which I remote into, was switched off yesterday and I really needed it on so, although I hadn't planned to be in, I went in the for the morning. In the end, it was worth it for several reasons. As I was tidying up at lunchtime, I chatted to a colleague in the kitchen. Then, on the way out, I met another colleague I haven't seen in person for over a year along with someone else I have only ever met on screen. I needed to pop into a shop or two in the city centre on my way home, and bumped into a friend on the street. It was so nice to see so many people in one day! Odd to think that doesn't happen very often these days. It really cheered me up.
I then worked at home in the afternoon and went for a walk around the park after I finished work. Everything is looking very green now and the small bits of woodland in the park looked lovely in the afternoon sunshine.
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