Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


JR went to the gym. Marsha came. She charges in like she owns the place. We’ve missed her.

Unfortunately, the workmen were banging about upstairs, and so the strange noises, understandably, made her bark. She famously barks most of the time in her own flat, much to the annoyance of all the neighbours, but she’s ‘in training’. So it’s really not fair to subject her to these noises, when she’s been so good here when there are no workmen upstairs. Perhaps we shouldn’t take her till the building work is finished…

Archie loves her, they fair gambol about in the garden, and often take a notion to charge around in the hall. Fun to watch. 

Mary our neighbour came round for a cuppa and to hear about the cruise, and I took both dogs and walked home with her. But I didn’t get far. Marsha, famously, does not like going for walks. She just sat down and refused to go any further than the corner. Mind you, she RAN back home. JR took Archie out.

I read my book about the making of the Great Tapestry of Scotland. What a project!

JR went to the supermarket, and then took Archie out again. Actually, we all set off (Extra) but Madam just sat down again and refused to budge, so back home, running, she and I came. What a funny wee sausage! (Literally)

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