plastic population

looking around for inspiration, and of course find plenty... saw some"official" gig pix from big country`s tour, thinking damn,,, i could have done better than that ..i need to invest in some more kit though,, a 50 mm 1.4 lens and a 24-70 2.8 lens... think at some point will prob have to think about a 5d at least Mk2 .. and get elements to edit with..i do ok with what ive got and its FUN..but will have to step up a bit if i take it more seriously..
just have come back from the school and have seen the usual diet of politics and "positions" and opinions expressed as the definitive last word on others problems.. whats the expression ,, when in a green house refrain from throwing rocks,, also ,, when your own house is in order then feel free to express your opinion,, another one would be ,, he without sin cast the first stone... another.. if you are without a flaw call yourself a diamond... and it goes on .. im amazed at some of things you hear,, judgmental when in no position to judge... superficial people with blue sky thinking about others whilst neglecting to take into account their own circumstance. Just saying thats all...its just another day !
thoughts go out to the people of west, texas, and the injured in boston, ,, that eight year old lad who hugged his dad and then died in that god his dad will be tortured by that phrase "if only" forever. I can safely say makes me feel sick to think of anything happening to my girls..

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