Blue Hamish

By BlueHamish

British citizen tortured in China

But he did go willingly and paid for the privelage!

Little bit of a cheat today as I have posted a picture of a picture but I was promted by another blip from yesterday and a story about Jennifer Anniston in today's papers. Both relate to 'hot cups' a treatment that involves setting fire to a spirit in a cup and placing it immediately on the skin. The heat creates a vacuum so the cup sticks to you like a limpet. anyhow, I had this done (on my sons advice) when I visited China last year and this is the result.

It has to be just about the most uncomfortable treatment I have every had, especially when they dragged a cup up and down the full length of my back. It felt as though the skin was being shaved off.

It took more than 6 months for these marks to dissapear. I looked as though someone had laid 21 slices of salami on my back - a sort of human pizza.

Thanks to those of you that passed on 'get well soon' messages to Diana. Unfortunately she is still not feeling good and amazingly, having tried to make an appointment to see the doctor has been told that nothing is available today. If that was me, I would be moving to a new practice (we don't go to the same one anyway). Being able to see a doctor when you are ill as opposed to when you are feeling better is a basic expectation of the NHS.

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