Come into the Garden

By aprecious

Playing ball...

"It will always be the ball and me."
Tiger Woods

Pud, aprecious, Snotty No one will play with me. My ball is my only friend. I am alone in the world with my balls. But I can make my own fun. Yesterday, for example, I jumped in the bath when aprecious was half way through running it for herself.

This is not fun. Apparently. It's bloody annoying.

She said, "Who's going to clear up this mess?"

Was that a rhetorical question?

I thought it best not to ask. I retreated and played with my ball. Quietly.

Off to Hull today. I'm going to my God Mother's funeral - I haven't seen her for a long time but she was a permanent fixture in my childhood as she was also our next-door neighbour. It also happens to be my much, much, much* older sister's birthday so I said I would buy her a cake. She's 16 months older. She always said this really matters and she's right. It does.

*I put five muches in but then thought I'd be accused of sarcasm.

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