Early celebrations

My lovely ladies at matting put on a homemade spread to celebrate my 70th even though it isn't until Monday. I won't be there for the next two Wednesdays as I'll be away with my family so they snuck in early!  Such a lovely surprise, a super afternoon, with a bit of matting too.
I heard today that my Aunt's funeral will be the 20th, two days after I was due to come home. Mum is hopefully booking me the extra nights in the visitor flat and I will rebook my train ticket. I'm pleased it is so close as I was in a dilemma as to whether to travel back and forth if it was a week or more away. It will be a small family affair but we will celebrate her life with happy memories.
The weather forecast for my trip is dry, sunny and warm. A chance at last to get out the summer clothes and much easier to travel light which is my intention.
I ate far too much cake today so the rest of the week I shall be restrained, not sure how that will go!

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