New Adventures

By P1nkdragen


Another sandals and socks walk around the park for me this evening.  Still feeling fine and testing negative though P is still super tired and phelgmy. 

I've been pretty impressed at how quickly the paraphernalia from Saturday's Stereofunk festival was cleared away, all that's left is some brown looking grass and this group of wheelie bins.  I think the one on the right has had too much Bucky. 

I'm reading two books at the moment which is unusual for me - I'm usually a one-at-a-time sort of person.  Book #1 is gripping but seriously heavy going, about Police Battalion 101, who were basically a bunch of really ordinary blokes who murdered thousands of Jewish people in the second world war.  Really terrifying to realise what horrendous things ordinary people will do under certain circumstances. The second book is an old favourite for some lighter relief set in a fictionalised version of Spain at the end of the Caliphate and I'm super enjoying the re-read.  First book is 'Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland', second is 'The Lions of Al-Rassan', just in case anyone is interested.

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