
After a morning doing life admin and cleaning, I met up with Susanna for a coffee and tostada. We didn't expect them to be so fancy!! From there I went to see my Wednesday woman who's needing help getting her residency here.
We headed straight to San An from school this afternoon so we could meet the 2 new girls who have come to be part of 24-7 Ibiza for the summer. The one is called Ashana (actually Susanna's nice from Switzerland!)! They both seem really great, I'm looking forward to getting to know them over the next months. 
We got home to pet tragedy - Nate's goldfish, Tracy, was on her side... Poor old Nate was very upset and has burst into tears at random points ever since...but as he said through sobs, "I'm glad she had a wonderful life with me." Bless him...

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Time with Susanna - she leaves Saturday so I'm making the most of these next couple of days.
2) Beautiful Ibiza colours - deep grey sky, turquoise sea - a gorgeous combination.
3) A lovely lovely voicenote from Sole. 

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