Broken GAF Meter

My Dear Princess and Dear Friends,

A work from home day today. I didn't get much done, there were too many meetings to be actually useful. 

I say that. People seem happy with me. I wrote my Official Memo for Corrie and we're going to submit it at the end of the week. I really hope it works out for her. 

Related to things working out, in my chat with the Eclectic Kitchen Witch yesterday, I told her that I thought bread must be a thing for her to do. 

"But I'm not a BAKING MUM," she wailed. "I see other BAKING MUMS and they JUDGE me!" 

This seemed wrong to me. Bread feels like a very creative thing to me. A very kitchen-witchery thing. I talked her up. 

And TODAY I got a picture texted to me of her first ever bread! It was accompanied by a text message saying, "I CAN BAKE! I CAN BAKE!"


She added. 

That made me feel good. 

Another thing that made me feel good was a meeting with Nate the Solution Architect. Or "Naked Monkey Guy" as Caro now calls him. Sadly he will be leaving Kāinga Ora at the end of next week. And he has gone a bit demob-happy. 

"My gives-a-f*ck meter is broken," as he put it. And so in my meetings with him today, what I got was unexpurgated and unfiltered.

It was a lot of fun. And again it made me feel sort of good because I had helped him out by providing a reference for him a few weeks back. 

But my final meeting of the day was the best. It was with Jefe and Losi. 

"The Three Amigos are back!" said Losi. And Jefe gave the Three Amigo salute. Long story short, after five minutes of work chat we scheduled a trip to the pub on Friday. These are the things that are REALLY important. 

Maybe MY GAF meter is on the blink, too.


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