
By ChezRobz

Aston Villa Socks

Poor child, subjected to such cruelty at such a young age. Aston Villa socks *tuts* Blame his father.

Reoccurring theme, busy day again! We were supposed to get up early this morning but when Oli got up for work he was like a stealth ninja and he didn't disturb us and so we woke at 9am. We were supposed to be meeting my mother at 9am so a quick text was sent to the very same mother "Get ready, come over and HELP!". I'm so polite! We had an appointment in Cardiff, a very important shopping type appointment. My mother dealt with breakfast for the little man (soya milk and weetabix for the first time!) while I got ready and off we went!

Fair play, the dude was on his best behaviour and was handing out smiles left, right and centre. He is a granny magnet, it's ridiculous! He got a balloon from a woman in KFC and his day was complete! We rushed home as I had two photoshoots booked and traffic was against us. Noah had a lovely afternoon with nanny while I photographed some lovely childerbeasts and then he was plonked in front of the backdrop himself, just as he was - covered in his lunch, trousers riding up and showing off his socks.

Unsuprisingly he isn't phased by the camera AT ALL. Dunno if I've mentioned....I quite like this boy :)

Daddy goes away for a whole week tomorrow so we're off to stay with a friend and her babies for a few days. Maybe you might spot us over on her blip ;)

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