The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Tired And Emotional

Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Eldest Mini Princess,

Poor James was BROKEN today!

It would appear that although there had been an incident with some guys (and had legged it to get away from them), he hadn’t actually had to fight off half of Edinburgh, Avengers style!

He absolutely insisted on making dinner* (despite our assurances that there really was no need) but before we had even finished our plates, he bolted to the bathroom and then said he was going to his room for a bit, which was the last we saw of him for the rest of the evening!

I felt very sorry for him - having a hangover anywhere is bad enough, but in your parents’ mates house? Misery.


*99% sure that his mum had told him to. He had called her at 1 am. After making sure he was safe, all her sympathy disappeared and she sent a text to The Prince at lunchtime - “Any sign of the f**kwit yet?”!

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