History Walk

A dull start to the day, but decided to join the Bingley Walkers Are Welcome History Walk which was led by a lady from our village.  When I arrived there were 45 people already there, and more kept turning up.  Apparently in the end there were about 80 walkers. I was lucky as I was always in a spot where I could hear the commentary, but I guess many missed out on some of the information.  My main photo shows part of the group heading towards the canal. The collage in extras shows some of the sites around town, including the old railway station, Old schoolhouse (sadly where some children and adults were killed and several injured when a steam boiler exploded in a mill opposite), Ailsa’s Well (don’t think I’d be wanting to use water from there these days!), embellishments on  a Main Street building, the parish church, Damart Mill, and old arched entrance to the more recent station site. I couldn’t help but notice some of the footwear and clothes worn by some of the walkers - yes it was a history walk around town, but there were one or two rough areas of land around the canal and the riverside - stones and mud in shoes were mentioned :-))!  An enjoyable couple of hours.  Had a wander around Myrtle Park afterwards and then had a coffee before returning home mid afternoon. Beat the weather as about half an hour after I got home it started to rain.

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