The Night Before

Travel Day - and not off to a good start, arriving at the Dell to find that my train had been cancelled. Mrs S got me to Truro in time for my connection and it was off to Woking via Exeter.

Train travel, a time to relax, listen to some music and read, also in these days of mobile devices the opportunity to catch up on all the ‘personal admin’ that has been put off over the preceding days and weeks.

I arrived at Woking mid afternoon, the hotel a minutes walk from the station, I checked in and unpacked. A walk around the town gave me the time to buy the beer for the trip tomorrow and drop it back to the hotel.
The evening was spent with my sister Jacqui and her partner James enjoying a beer or three before being joined by Joshua and Tiana who flew in from Inverness. I also caught up with a nephew, Jamie, last seen at my sisters funeral some years ago.

So the Army v Navy rugby weekend 2022 commences, always a great weekend, looking forward to catching up with the others tomorrow.

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