Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (MM432)

Possibly the first book I read completely out of choice as an adult.

At school I read what I thought I would enjoy and as there were no set books (mid 1970s CSE Secondary Modern) they were mostly Desmond Bagley and Alistair MacClean's adventure stories.   Once I was established at University I started to read 'the classics' which most of my grammar school educated friends had read for their GCEs.  I still read now for which I owe a debt of  thanks to:
a) my mum - she took me to the library twice a week
b) My english teacher who gave me the idea that after reading what would get me through the exam I could read anything I liked and didn't have to agree with anyone else's opinion of it.

Thanks to 60 plus and FrankS for hosting Mono Monday.

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