Bring me sunshine...........

Went to Porthleven today, and managed to find a parking space straight away. The first shop we went in J fancied an Old Guy's Rule t-shirt, so we bought it.  A bit further on we stopped for a coffee  (the same one we went the last time we were down) and sat outside watching the world go by. ( see extra photo of a shed that has seen better days ) When I go on holidays, I have a "holiday" bag, which has lot's of little pockets, to fit all my bit's in. One of the shops had the exact same bag, in a denim colour, and as mine is looking a bit shabby, J insisted I bought (really) The sky was looking a bit threatening as we walked back to the car, and it did start to rain. A few miles up the road, and the sun came out, and it's still shining.

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