Jess @ Jesus

By jessatjesus

Kenyan colour

Valentine's Day was spent travelling from Lake Naivasha to Olorte (which I believe is in the south-western area of Kenya). It was quite an enjoyable journey and didn't feel as long as it actually was. We started off in coaches, as we had been for the previous few days, but we swapped into 6 Land Cruisers further into the journey and we were in Land Cruisers for the majority of the trip from then on.

By mid-afternoon one of our cars had broken down and so we ended up having our lunch off a car bonnet by a Kenyan roadside...certainly an experience of Africa! Most of the group headed off after a while with a few people staying behind to get in the car once it was fixed. We got to the campsite just after sunset which meant we had to get the tents set up as quickly as possible before it got completely dark. Then we heard that John (who arranged the trip) had also broken down and was hitching a lift/walking to the camp. We were all reunited by 10pm and managed to eat by 10.30pm. However, nobody seemed to mind as it had been a considerably long day and we got to experience Africa working day to day - I certainly loved it!

I have made a photobook, which is viewable in PDF format but also ebook for free, that you can have a look at in order to see more of my photos accompanied by text if that interests any of you!



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