Hello, cutie
Spring migrants are starting to increase now so it was not a total surprise to see two ruby crowned kinglets flitting around this morning, snagging little insects out of the trees. This one was perched on a dead phlox stem that I hadn't yet taken out of the garden - maybe I'll just leave it! He was eying the bird bath from his vantage point.
The highlight of my day was a visit from blipper KangaZu (Peggy) and her husband Richard. It's been over a year since we'd seen each other and it was such fun to just sit outside for a while and catch up. And of course, they got to meet Jax. He was thrilled and I think they rather liked him, too.
The other highlight of the day was FTing with my parents this morning. Dad is still moving a bit slower than usual but seems to be feeling generally pretty good all considered. He's taking it easy which is exactly the right thing to do. The gloomy weather in OR is making it easier for him to stay close to home.
Okay, Jax is doing his best to get my attention by flinging toys around the house, so I'd best get to it.
Check Extra for a couple of pics from today - I especially like the one of Jax giving Peggy a big, slurpy kiss
Today's pick is dark with macadamia nuts (thanks to Peggy and Richard).
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