By lizzie_birkett


Our little Irish whizz kid (in the green). I didn’t take the photo but I copied it…does that count? ;-D))
They’re a very sporty family, footie, shinty and camogie (Isla) and Mum and Dad run crazy miles!

I don’t know why I’m so tired but I hardly did a thing today! Vacuumed around, played ukulele for all of 10 minutes and read the paper. 
Fell asleep after lunch for nearly 3 hours! I never could sleep in the daytime till this bloomin’ pandemic. It seems to have changed me.

I’m Going To…..

I wake up with plans
I’m going to…..
I’m doing the…..
I’m going to go to…..
I’m going to sort…..
I’m going to phone…..
I’m going to write…..
I get up, open 
the window
And the plans fly away
Oh, well never mind
Tomorrow’s another day.

The other day the Covid research man - Gary - came for our blood and swabs. He asks lots of health questions. When I told him about my persistent stabbing head pains, he asked if I had my 3rd vaccine, when I said yes he told me he had come across quite a few people who had various symptoms after it, including headaches/pains and tiredness. He said WHO are looking into the after effects of the 3rd vaccine. 
Anyway, I’m wide awake now so I’ll do some knitting while we watch telly,
at least then it won’t have been a wasted day.

I was in contact with the Ukrainian lady - Marina - today and she has decided to stay in Ukraine and thinks it will all be over in a few weeks….. 
:-[]. We agreed to keep in touch. Her eldest little boy has developed an allergy and she said he’s never had it before and she has appointments for bloods and with the paediatrician so would rather get him seen there. I think she doesn’t want to leave her husband behind. Such an awful time for them.

That’s it for today.
Goodnight :-)X

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