
May Eve and May Day remain big days in Ireland as it is the official start of Summer, harking back to the major pre Christian festival of Bealtaine. This was celebrated by bonfires and feasting. Rather cleverly the Christians superimposed the BVM onto all these festivities and May Day is a Lady Day, in fact the whole month of may is now dedicated to her. Tonight and tomorrow remain dangerous days though for the Good People fairies are very active and out to cause mischief. It's wise to leave a May posy on your doorstep overnight  - yellows flowers are especially good as fairies don't like yellow, and blue flowers refer to the the BVM - how very appropriate at the moment. I've snuck in a few pink and white wildflowers just because.  It's also traditional to decorate  a May bush, good luck for the coming year.

Tomorrow is a good day to visit a holy well - after you've rolled in the dew to ensure beauty for the forth coming year- for the wells are at their most potent and you can sprinkle the water on yourself, your house and your cattle. I shall be visiting The City - a truly ancient place where Bealtaine/May Day was first celebrated thousands of years ago by driving cattle through bonfires to ensure good health for the coming year and tomorrow it will host an open air Mass but water will still be collected for the cattle- a wonderful continuity and mixture of beliefs. More of that tomorrow.
All you need to know about  Bealtaine the May Bush is here.  


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