The power of music
The blip of today surely is one of the most popular subject of photographing in the world. But here is one more.
Music has enormous power that is only now beginning to be understood. It's using as a therapy method is getting to new areas all the time. It does not matter whether the patient is musical in a traditional meaning, whether she can play some instrument herself.
Finland is said to be a pioneer in using music as a therapy method in psychiatric treatment of children. The news reported today, once again, about one more new conquest of the therapy.
Music has always been one of my own ways to cope with difficult experiences. As a small child I had to be far away from home quite much. And already as very young I began to humm only one word with a two-note melody to help myself fall asleep. Later in my life my own "therapy music" has become more sophisticated and fully silent. In addition to this I started playing the piano.
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