Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

...insert pun here....

This is Emley Moor Mast, the tallest freestanding structure in the UK. In the fog. As it always is when I try to Blip it.

I have been to the observation deck, which is 990 feet up; I am not bothered by heights, but I was bothered by the 7 minute ride up in a rickety old lift. That was over 12 years ago, when my son was little and obsessed with towers - I wrote to the owners and they took us up on a guided tour. The cage structure you can see with the satellite dishes is 200 feet up, and they took us for a walk around it - me and a 4 year old!

Despite its concrete construction, I think it's a beautiful building, especially when first spotted from the M1 on the long drive back home from Devon.

I can't think of a pun for a title, so any suggestions gratefully received.

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