Small but beautiful

A chilly day today, overcast and with a cold wind. I'm out this afternoon doing a bit of gardening and had to come in for a windproof jacket. I may even need a woolly hat!

I couldn't resist buying a few small plants at Benmore yesterday, though as is often the case the plant sales bore no resemblance to the collection just over the wall. Admittedly that collection is largely trees and shrubs, but I'm sure that some of the visitors would have liked to buy an Athrotaxus  cupressoides or a Hovenia dulcis rather than the run of the mill alpines - which are not grown here - or a herbaceous perennial from a small selection likewise not grown at Benmore.

Oh well, I bought a small double primrose called 'Nectarine', which is my Blip today. I was looking for a nectarine called 'Primrose', but couldn't see one. I also bought three even smaller Lithodora diffusa 'Alba' which will one day - many days hence - grow over the bank outside the kitchen window. Something to look forward to!

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