Manchester Flick Chic

By argh

Kitchen Confrontation

I ate something last night that's given me a funny tummy today: My own cooking. This is why I only inflict light snacks on people the fall out would be too great otherwise.

"Media & Magazine journalism, really?"
I've asked (in live online discussions) quite a few successful people in journalism/medium questions on how to get started in various jobs and I've read countless tips and advice. I do know from 'Save Alex Park Trees campaign' that when I put my mind to it I can start something pretty damn big (apparently we "seriously had Manchester shitty City council on the ropes a couple of times")

However, I hate so called scripted reality shows (apart from the Kardashians - don't judge), I don't care who Britain's Next top model is, I don't have a clue who designed that bag everyone supposedly needs in their life, and couldn't give a flying frack what bobbins thing the latest celeb couple have named their child after. Then again neither does Charlie Brooker and he's done well out of it. Not that I'm any where near as sharp as he is obv... Well, maybe with years of practice.

So basically after all this waffle, the only thing that's been holding me back is my cynicism but maybe I can put it to some use. Plus I should concentrate on the fact I'm interested in eco friendly & cruelty-free brands/causes as well as more local events and really pursue that avenue more.

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