Need Seeds?
Seems they are at the library! And you can sign them out! Who knew?
I ended my rather difficult day of yet another hospital procedure by dropping into the library in search of a particular book...and hidden behind the DVD shelving units, what did I discover? This well-kept secret.... Seed Share - another service offered by the library that I knew nothing about! What a neat idea. It is probably a common library offering everywhere, but it was new to me!
There is a cabinet of drawers - sort of a card catalogue - each drawer is filled with seeds in envelopes and categorized by plant and ease of growing...How does it work? You take an envelope up to the desk and sign it out..grow your plants, save some plants until they go to seed and then donate the seeds back to the library! Very clever, nest-ce pas?
I do love our library - and have blipped about it before, but thought this little program was worth blipping about it again ..The library is such a welcoming place - so open and airy and light...obviously has a huge lending collection and programs galore..but also a cafe and a huge open square outside for community events, farmer's market, or just lounging in the sun..I noted that the Muskoka chairs are already out summer is coming! ..oh yes..and planting season too!
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