The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

A Meeting Of Minds

Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Eldest Mini Princess,

I took Victor to Livingston for another small op today.

Mary Doll and I went to the hospital cafe to wait until he was ready to go home. There were no free tables so Mary Doll asked a woman sitting on her own if we could join her table. She explained that we were waiting to take someone home and the woman asked if he was in for something serious.

Now, my answer would have been “No”, but by the time I made it back to the table with the coffees, this woman had been fully briefed on Victor’s current medical situation! I thought that Mary Doll might have scared her off but no, this woman and Mary Doll are clearly cut from the same cloth. In less than 10 minutes, I learned the woman’s medical situation, her brother’s medical situation, her brother’s mother-in-law’s medical situation (keep up) and that that her plan for the afternoon was to go shopping and do housework!

When Victor came out, we went for lunch. Mary Doll has decided in a new song for her funeral. She has chosen ‘Circle of Life’ because “it’s very appropriate”.

Horror of horrors.

“Nooooooo. That will completely RUIN The Lion King.”

Mary Doll was genuinely baffled.

So I have threatened to bring along a cuddly toy and hold it up high, Rafiki style, at the end of the song!


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