
Another day that seems to have largely slipped by. I had a morning trip into Peterborough to buy a large mounting board, as Alex has to prepare a poster for one of his many assignments. On my way back to the car I spotted an advert for the Peterborough Photographic Society exhibition, so I dropped in. The standard was very high and I had a long chat with a couple of the stalwart members, who tried to persuade me to join up. They seem to have some interesting talks so I may give it a try in the autumn, when I won't have the added burden of getting up early to get Alex to college. I'm not sure whether I'm very keen on the competitive aspect of club photography though...

The afternoon was spent cooking and gardening (waging my annual war on couch grass and creeping buttercup) with breaks to advise Alex on his poster design and help Ben with his chemistry revision. Somehow I didn't manage to get out for a walk with Rosie, so took a quick shot of this leaf of Clematis montana, with the evening sun shining through it. The warm weather has stimulated a sudden rush of growth - I'll soon have to mow the lawn again!

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