Phew ...

... I was let off the hook today. Having submitted my application for my job and been offered an interview that was supposed to be tomorrow, I was contacted today and told I don’t need to do it which is a relief.

This guy was hanging upside down off the bridge on my walk after work this evening ....The lacewing(?)’s perspective ....

Metaphors of a Magnifico - Wallace Stevens

Twenty men crossing a bridge,
Into a village,
Are twenty men crossing twenty bridges,
Into twenty villages,
Or one man
Crossing a single bridge into a village.

This is old song
That will not declare itself . . .

Twenty men crossing a bridge,
Into a village,
Twenty men crossing a bridge
Into a village.

That will not declare itself
Yet is certain as meaning . . .

The boots of the men clump
On the boards of the bridge.
The first white wall of the village
Rises through fruit-trees.
Of what was it I was thinking?
So the meaning escapes.

The first white wall of the village . . .
The fruit-trees . . .

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