Not the best photo but records the first time me and Tobes have hacked out together unsupported! It was nice and the boys were really well behaved. He even managed to dismount, go for a wild wee in the hedge and get back on again! 

Been working all day. Miraculously managed to time my walks perfectly to fit in several trips to the yard to get Buddy and Lime shod. It's always a bit complicated as Lime will not go in a stable and won't really stand if nothing is happening but as I had three walks to do I didn't have time to wait there whilst he was shod so I collected my dogs for the second walk, got Lime in, walked the dogs whilst he was being shod then popped back to chuck him out just as Rich was finishing. I always apologise to Rich for Lime being a pain and he always says "well you will have these youngsters" (Lime is 22!). 

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