A time for everything

By turnx3

Sunlit tree against a stormy sky

I was at church this morning for our ladies bible study. It was my turn to take in goodies to go with our coffee. I'd had good intentions to make something yesterday evening, but never got round to it, so I stopped at Servatis bakery on my way. The title of this morning's chapter was "Trusting God with all the details" and one of the bible verses we read was Joshua 1:9,
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."
I found these words quite reassuring especially after yesterday's events in Boston. My prayers are with the families of those killed, and all those who suffered such dreadful injuries, including several having amputations.
After bible study I went to the"Y" to work out in the gym. Unfortunately I discovered I didnt have my ipod with me - I find that helps distract me and makes the time pass quicker! I spent the afternoon starting to do some sorting out in our bedroom - long long overdue - so our closet is stuffed and so are my drawers. I made some progress, but I've still a long way to go! Late afternoon, the sky became quite dark and we had some thunder and lightening, then while I was getting dinner, there were a few glimpses of sun, and this sight caught my eye - of the tree bathed in evening sunlight against the dark forbidding sky. A little north of here they had some decent-sized hail, but fortunately that passed us by and we just had rain. Hopefully things have passed through and we'll have a quiet night.

One year ago: Buckeye bloom

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