
By BryanImagining

Skunkleaf Bud

After a couple days of rain the sun came out this afternoon. I have Tuesday afternoons with my kids, but today I am struggling with a cold so I wasn't much fun to be around. I rose from slumber late afternoon to refill the Castle feeder (which has been feeding the squirrels more than the birds). in the last 2 days the frogs have awakened and have struck up the chorus. I went in the back acres with my zoom to see if I can spot them. Huh. If I ws hunting them, I'd starve. There are two distinct pitches, very high and birdlike chirping, and a lower, more traditional froglike sound. Last year we were astonished at how loud they had become. I got an iPhone app to tell me the ambient sounds, and the frogs registered 86 decibels.

The only thing that quiets them are the coyotes. Haven't gone hunting them with my Nikon yet...

We have named this plant "skunkleaf" because of the distinctive odor when tromping on the leaves. They're green when mature, but begin with this beautiful variegated bulb. Any wetland horticulturalists out there?

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