Nice variation in photos today and yesterday... Not.

I got a nice little package today from the babe (she's good at sending parcels) with this incred speculoos chocolate from Belgium! I couldn't not blip it. It also comes in a very weird baccy-esque bag.

I woke up today in a cleaning panic as the council man was coming round for a meeting and our house is an absolute state. I feel I did a very good amount of cleaning in a hour. He only ended being round for 5 mins. Gosh.

Cheese and picks for lunch and just as I was thinking I didn't have anything to eat for dinner I got a text saying I was invited out for dinner. Score. We all had dinner at Jo's before home group. I have the sickest home group ever and Jo is the sickest cook ever... all topped off with one of the kids being dairy free so I didn't have the awkward moment of not being able to eat her food as she had made a special extra one. Then we went through Deut which was very insightful, brownies, lift back from Rach and a quick catch up with Mel before she crashed.

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