Buchanan of Leny Burial Enclosure
We went to Callander this morning. I was looking for a pair of sturdy but lightweight trainers for walking in the summer. It's been surprisingly tricky to find a pair to fit the bill. Callander is awash with outdoor gear shops and there's one in particular that always comes up trumps for me. It's dog friendly, has a nice airy café with decent coffee and GF food. I got some trainers and we walked Flora at the Meadows by the River Teith. Just off the old railway line, now a walking and cycling path, is the ruined Buchanan Chapel and this burial enclosure. If you want to know more you can read about it here
The Meadows lived up to its name with celandine, marsh marigold, lady's smock and wood anemone carpeting the ground. There were orange tip butterflies and I saw one peacock too. It was warm in the sunshine but chillier when the breeze got going.
Home now to the garden and a bit of domestic stuff. Another walk will happen later.
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