A Day Worth Recording

By Cheeseminer

New neighbours

They're building a house "in our back yard".

Of course it's not actually our back yard and we're lucky enough to have a long garden so it will be far from intrusive to us, and indeed it will be an improvement security-wise and pesticide-spray-wise compared with the former open farmland.

That said, it's going to be more 'there' than we'd really properly anticipated.

Ironically I've advocated Blip to my 6000 colleagues around the same time as Blipcentral has shut the door on 'open' browsing. If you're a colleague reading this in response to my article you will hit a block after a few pages. Come back in a few minutes - there's a timeout - or open an account; but no, I wouldn't either if I was just looking to see what it was all about.

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