I am doing the 'I am wide awake in the middle of the night' thing.
So decided to work on this Kaleidoscope hoping I will start yawning and feel sleepy in a minute...
I took the photo yesterday teatime with Laboscope. But it was so windy, there was nothing still in the garden. This is of the crab apple blossom which is a vibrant colour. But the wind caused blur. I might try it again today. All the fruit tree blossom looks amazing at the moment, and always each year the high winds come along at fruit blossom time!
Mr Magpie is upset and disturbed I have made the cat food bowls so it is difficult for him to access safely. By mid afternoon, I felt sorry for him, so me and him came to a compromise. I researched what Mr Magpie and his babies could eat safely. I was a little worried that by denying him food, he might decide the sparrow and their eggs and young were food. Because that happened some years ago in my garden. And his nest is not far, just a minute or so as the crow flies...
I placed a feeding bowl especially for Mr Magpie on a garden table for him, after first protecting my blueberry bush, which apparently magpies like. And put out some scraps/bits from my kitchen that is safe good food for him and his babies.
The food for Mr Magpie all went. By cat diner lock up time, it had all gone.
I always have seagulls circling overhead, but they have never come in for food yet, so we'll have to keep an eye on that. But my garden is too overgrown for them to land easily. Seagulls sound like a cat screeching in pain to me.
So, I am sill not sleepy. What shall I do next? It is 2 am...
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