Carol's ramblings

By Lucari


Collected the boys at 10am, daughter and son-in-law meeting up with friends for lunch.

Took a trip to the pet shop to get supplies for the dogs, looked at the fish and gerbils (no other animals in there for sale). On to another couple of shops, boys purchased a toy each, and then back home for lunch.

After lunch, decided to take the dogs for a walk as well as the boys go for a run around tge park. Great fun climbing, Austin has no fears, Caleb is more confident (but Austin cookies his every move (from actions to words/phrases). Bit of a struggle at the park - not to self, 2 dogs and 2 children and grandparents struggle, leave one lot at home!

Mummy collected the boys around 4ish, hubby had a nap.

Tonight’s film. Captain Marvel 2019 film, good Marvelly film (I think I’ve seen it before, but couldn’t remember).


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