
J’ai voté. I voted. The line to get checked in at the embassy in Washington DC was long (over an hour wait) and had been so since opening at 7am said the staff.

The voting itself took about 30 seconds. Each voter gets two tickets (one each with the name of the two candidates). You put your selection in a little envelope and seal it, discard the other ticket, then drop the envelope in the ballot box and sign your name in a register.

Based on what I saw in the trash can inside the voting booth, Mme Le Pen is not well liked here. That’s been a pattern ever since I’ve voted here; maybe when you live abroad, you just gain a greater appreciation for the entitlements you’ve already gotten back home.

Besides, those of us who live in the US have already experienced four years of governance by a fascist — an experience none of us want to see repeated at home.

I hope my compatriots do the right thing when they vote tomorrow…

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