Playing life by ear.

By Crazyoldbird

Plane dung

The planes are back in full force, leaving their tracks to spoil the clear blue sky.
S left the house at 6.15am to put a boat in the water and so I have enjoyed getting up at 5.30am and being able to make use of my energy before it fizzles out without disturbing his sleep.

I wasn't in least surprised when my almost perfect 17yr old g.son forgot my birthday. Forgetting stuff is his thing. We had a surprise encounter three days later and he suddenly remembered that he had forgotten. Then he looked at me quite shocked and asked me why I had dyed my hair pink. Well it isn't pink, but it turns out it is not a good colour, probably bad taste or unsuitable, as also confirmed by his father, my son but it took the rest of them three days to even notice that I had done it.
If my knees continue not hurting, I will be doing all sorts of daft things, just for the hell of it.
I have spent two whole days stuck in the office with an unbelievable amount of noise going on and only because I needed urgent "help" with some documents. There is nothing worse for me than needing help,  so much stress that I cant handle and I  spent two full days with a migraine headache, complete with aura. 
All of the above is nothing compared to my wonderful new knees. This afternoon, imagine me at the football stadium as I  arrive to watch L play, instead of being a wobbly, grey haired old lady being helped up the steps, there will a nutter with unsavoury hair, running up the steps at top speed.
Don't worry, it is probably the effect of the headache wearing off, sending me a bit manic. 

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