
By LifeLines


Last year I, very unexpectedly, won an award for an article I wrote for work. This is the wooden trophy, fondly known at 'the pringle' (due to resemblance it bears to the crisps by that name), that I had the privilege of having for a year. Today was a sad day as I had to return 'the pringle' to its owner so that it can be passed on to this year's winner of the prize.

It was a great honour to be given the award, partly as its only the second thing I have ever won!, but also because its rarely you get noticed for the things you are expected to do in the course of your work. So to be recognised and thanked was special and something I will always remember. Its a reminder that in the rush of work, and of life, to stop and give a few words of appreciation for the deeds of others need only take a few moments, but can make a world of difference.

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