A gathering

Today there was a residents' meeting to talk about issues and events.  As usual, there were no useful or satisfying ideas about how to make living here more pleasant.  The leaders of the residents' association just played apologist for the owner, who sees no reason to provide any more security in the garage in exchange for the $75/month parking fee.  The owner reminded us that we could move out if we didn't want to pay the fee or the huge rent increase.  Given that there is no place else many of us could afford to live in Seattle, that's baloney.  

After I got home from my EPO shot, I started to feel really ill and it got progressively worse.  Lex said it was probably a reaction to the shot and not a serious illness; I felt a lot less worried after that.  Today I feel rather strange - sort of wired and weak at the same time.  

I had no treatment today because the radiation machine is down.  But I'll have my 15 sessions by having my last treatment on Wednesday of next week rather than Tuesday.  Tomorrow I'll be driving myself, so it will be interesting to see if getting the shot will make that a bit easier.

The twins turned two today!  We'll be celebrating at our Sunday gathering, when I'll give them their gifts.

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