
So, the reason we've been in Dundee the last couple of days was that we'd booked tickets for the Michael Clark exhibition at the V&A for this morning. And then kind of fitted some extra Tayside stuff around it to have a little holiday type thing.

The exhibition was ace, and I didn't know he'd done quite as much with The Fall, even though it was the 'I Am Curious Orange' collaboration that made me aware of him in the first place, way back in the late 80s. And, I was only a very tiny bit disappointed that out of all the film clips in the exhibition they didn't have any footage  of one of the most favourite things I've ever seen live - namely, his company dancing to 'Jean Genie' at the Edinburgh International Festival back in 2009.

We were back home in Edinburgh mid-afternoon. I pedalled out back to try and burn off some of my Premier Inn breakfast from earlier, and then went to see The Northman in the evening. Impressive stuff, a bit bogged down in the middle perhaps, but nonetheless...

"Can't dance, can't sing"

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