Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

The meeting went well, and I'll start next Thursday. I could decide my work hours and workdays and it feels good to get what I need. :)
It's a much smaller place than the greenhouse and not as much to do as I'm used to. At least I think so... I'll revaluate when I've been there a couple of day. On the + side: nice people, they make their own tea (yes!!) and creams with herbs (I always wanted to learn this!) and it seams like a really good place to get started again. It's a garden, and there're bees. :) The greenhouse is much, much, much smaller than I'm used to at the other greenhouse. They don't produce and sell that much. It's more like a large garden. But, I am looking forward to learn a lot! 
When I came home I was so tired that I fell a sleep after a short time. That's how my body reacts after being social for an hour... And, this morning the inflammation I have in my side/back flared up again and I could hardly move without feeling sharp stabbing pains. Very good when you have a meeting the same day, right? Painkillers have helped me through the day, but it's not over yet.
Spring is really in the air and it's rather warm outside. As you can see in the photo, we have a lot of spring flowers. :) 

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