
By Legacy

Time To Scratch

Squirrels are very quick to catch on.   I'm trying to budget the peanuts so I don't fill the feeder until noon.  They seem to have that figured out because they show up about that time and two hours later the feeder is empty.  I resist filling it again because they're all very chubby and as far as I can tell they're just burying most of them anyway. 

Father and Mother Goose have both been seen around the pond.  My completely unreliable neighbor told me today that "somebody" smashed all the eggs in their nest.  Personally, if that happened I'd bet on a raccoon before I'd blame a human.  Folks who live in our complex are quite used to the geese and very respectful.  If the babies are gone that makes me sad but nature is nature and sometimes it just isn't pretty.  

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