Matai Falls

I had been told the water was low in the falls, but last night's rain must have fed the river nicely.

Today's saga:

My plan today was to photograph both Matai and Purakanui Falls but I only got to Matai.

It took 10 minutes to walk into the Falls, and nearly an hour to walk out.  The cyst in the back of my knee moved again just as I started back, which meant I couldn't extend the knee or bend it further than the position it was stuck in.  Extremely painful!  I'd forgotten to take my walking poles with me so was unsuccessfully trying to use my tripod.   I was very fortunate that another walker went into the bush and found a nice sturdy branch I could use. 

Just as well this Motorhome is an auto or I'd still be stuck in the car park.  I was going to head further after the waterfalls but thought it best to return to Pounawea Camp for the afternoon/night.  Well dosed with codeine and ibuprofen now.  Leg still stuck in weird position but hopefully with plenty of massage and heat it will loosen.  Another camper has very kindly lent me a couple of heat pads and I just keep reheating them.

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